If possible, bring pictures. (Photo george w. bush older naked

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If possible, bring pictures. (Photo courtesy of Clairol - copyright - all rights reserved 2002). Today’s smart, stylish, short-haired woman of any age wants a hairdo that will easily convert from older naked day to older naked night with a minimum of fuss. Here are some ideas for giving quick nighttime glamour to a daytime hairdo:  1.      The Dimensional Shag: punch it up with some hard styling gel to get a more edgy older naked look, streak with glitter gel, or accentuate with tiny magnetized hair gems. 2.      The Classic Wedge: use temporary gel or paste hair coloring to streak thick or thin slices of dazzling color to the hair around the face, at the hairline, or on the ends of the hair. 3.      The Short Bob: slick the hair behind your ears with a good gel to hold it. Add one of those thin, stretchy, glittery headbands to keep the hair back, then fluff the ends out behind your ears. 4.     
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