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[I suck]! |||miss mother fucker||| 50 1/28/2006 6:43 AM Remember when we talked for like 5 minutes once? Yeah, I found out you were actually super nice, and then we never talked again. Yeah. Jake 1/23/2006 10:45 AM I figured only you would appreciate this. |||miss 50 mother fucker||| 1/15/2006 11:47 AM And of course now I have to 50 ruin your page with my face. It's an ugly mug, but I had to write back. [Hi] cuuuuutie. caustictruthscomm 1/14/2006 7:22 PM Just saying hello. Thanks for the add! tommy 1/13/2006 6:50 PM dude, i hear block E has "$5 tuesdays" where you can see 3 movies for five bucks! holy shit! tommy 1/9/2006 3:16 AM hey jason let's go bowling or something when i return. tommy 12/29/2005 1:08 PM i changed it to Mission of Burma the HATE-est 12/24/2005 11:04 AM no shit? did they cover all of Carmina Burana or just that movement? thats out of control, dooder Positive K 12/23/2005 3:28 PM Dude, I got you YOT's Cant Close My Eyes on vinyl for Xmas. Knox 12/17/2005 11:06 PM I wish Chuck Norris would get hit in the face with an oar, that would be just a toothpick to him.