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You plug in the ingredients and the program analyzes it. Often you can substitute lower-calorie ingredients and still end up with something good. You might check that out in the future.About the scale. I only recently purchased one. During my initial weight loss I weighed only once a week. I magazines: product information was pretty sure if I owned a scale I'd be on it too often and get discouraged when my weight fluctuated up and down--a normal occurence. However, you should weigh, magazines: product information just to have a beginning point. If you are close magazines: product information to your dr.'s office you might ask if you could use their scale once a week. If not there, maybe you can think of a good scale that you could use once a week. Also try to weigh at the same time each week, and wear similar clothes. If you weigh with your shoes off, make sure you take them off everytime.Measure