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I go to the check-out and there's this fine-ass broad there who's all, "oh trick daddy pimp(feat. buddy roe I can take you." ~~smile~~ She's ringing up all my trick daddy pimp(feat. buddy roe shit and it's late --they're just about to close-- so the place is fucking dead. I'm all watching her skinny fingers pass all this junk food over the laser *. I was all digging in my wallet trying to look for my debit card when she hits me with something like: "wow, you bought some good stuff." Which MEANS she was actually conscious trick daddy pimp(feat. buddy roe of everything she was passing over the laser --all this crap food-- HAHAHAHAHA. See normally I would care that a hot-ass broad knows what I eat for snacks cause I'm just petty like that, but I --on Friday-- I was hella tired from work so I just didn't care anymore. Well, okay that's a lie, I was conscious of the situation, perhaps if I was in full-energy I would've been doubly-embarrassed because she was hot and learned about my snack-habits, but without thinking I hit her back with "dude, I gotta work all this weekend; I need my comfort food."