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After some pushing the impatient guy attempted letras a swing at the other but before he could be hit a couple of guys, including me grabbed his arm. Notice that it was extremely crowded and the letras guy did make a lot of fuss so he drew way too much attention and a lot of people where watching him. From all the guys grabbing him, I had the bad luck of being in his eye. We let him go from then, the other guy was held back too and all seemed to return to normal as the first guy letras makes his way to the toilet. When he returned from the toilet i had my back towards him and wast standing with my mates. And before they could say anything the guy tried to punch me in the back of my head. I was lucky that he was to drunk so he only scathed me. I turned and ducked, and out of reflexes hit him in the spleen (Jeej 5 years of boxing pays off.) Swoolen liver due to alcohol + heavy punch equals bad... and the guy clutched his stomach as he went forward.