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Advertise ©2003-2006 All Rights Reserved. var aamRnd = Math.round(Math.random() * 100000000); adserver = ""; allAdTags = "/AAMALL/SITE=XANGA/AREA=HOME.PUB/acc_random=" + aamRnd + liljon contract lyrics "/pageid=" + aamRnd; ad1 = "/AAMB1/AAMSZ=728x90"; document.write(''); document.write(''); JichaelmMohnson read my profile sign my guestbook Name: MichaelCountry: United liljon contract lyrics StatesState: North CarolinaMetro: RaleighBirthday: 2/16/1989Gender: Male Interests: United States Marine Corp, and becoming an Infantry Officer in the MC Chilling with the crew, gaming, sports, cars...your average male American teenager.Expertise: Football, soccer, basketball, ROTCage, owning noobs liljon contract lyrics in Halo 2 (Even though I've gone cold turkey on H2), driving, annoying people, computer stuff such as HTML programming, image editing, movie productions, sleeping, saving money, spending money on my truck, apparently being funny, but I disagree, not too much more, I speak English better than most, so I'm a pro at that, being nice and looking out for others, and a few more things.Occupation: