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Who food gives a shit what a rapper likes? The people who care probably like looking at 50 with his shirt off all day. Biggie was a "hearthrob never, black and ugly as ever" but he's an absolute legend. I agree with Toure, Cam is probably the Gay Rapper, dissing Jay for his fashion (what the fuck is that?) and food his looks. When Cam came food after Jay, it was like 2 of ya favorite rappers, but now, I'm rapidly losing respect for "Killa" Cam. Posted by: Young T at March 13, 2006 09:56 AM Its a joke really. Who gives a shit what a rapper likes? The people who care probably like looking at 50 with his shirt off all day. Biggie was a "hearthrob never, black and ugly as ever" but he's an absolute legend. I agree with Toure, Cam is probably the Gay Rapper, dissing Jay for his fashion (what the fuck is that?) and his looks. When Cam came after Jay, it was like 2 of ya favorite rappers, but now, I'm rapidly losing respect for "Killa" Cam. Posted by: Young T at March 13, 2006 09:56 AM n Posted by: Anonymous at March 13, 2006 10:53 AM cosign w/ Young T--Thats a true story Posted by: truthbtold at March 13, 2006 10:56 AM lol@ "Dipset all day!!!...fuck