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If you've never heard the song, it's pretty much about what the title sounds like it's about, so I don't know how quizing much daytime airplay Cam thinks he's going to get quizing with this one. The second half starts off with the fake Jay and Bey pulling up to the Waffle House after the club and we get a nice shot of 'Hov' hopping out of the Maybach with some 99 cent chancletas on, which he's rocking, of course, without socks. Dame has been kinda reluctant to really co-sign Cam's disses to quizing Jay, but he didn't seem to have a problem popping up in this video or at the press conference, so I don't think it's any secret where he stands. I won't front, I expected Cam to go at Jay much harder than he did, but the video is still good for a cheap laugh, I just don't see it as anything Jay is going to feel he needs to respond to. Posted by SOHH NYC at March 10, 2006 11:06 AM Comments Once again, I'm a New York representative, but this shit is trash.