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.itext, .text{font-family:comic sans ms, good arial, times new roman;font-size:8pt; color:cccccc; font-weight:none;}.orangetext15{font-family:comic sans ms, arial, times new roman;font-size:8pt; color:; font-weight:none;}.lightbluetext8{font-family:comic sans ms, arial, times new roman;font-size:8pt; color:; font-weight:none;}.tmz_imp{font-family:arial;color:FF0000;font-weight:bold}a img{}a:hover img{}body{scrollbar-arrow-color:000099;scrollbar-Track-Color:9900cc;scrollbar-Highlight-Color:000099;scrollbar-base-color:000099;scrollbar-Face-Color:9900cc;scrollbar-Shadow-Color:000099;scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color:000099Pimp out your webpage with PimpWebPage Who I'd like to meet: Angelina Jolie (mmhmm ;) p.s. i think she is beautiful brad pitt (also beautiful) johnny depp (beautiful, plus some) good Aesop Rock. I want to smoke a blunt or two with him and just listen to him talk. Cannibal Ox. Id love to be in the studio when they recorded. Matisyahu...amazing