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"A.W.O.L." by Yellowcard on One For The trick daddy pimp letras Kids. Stands for Absent Without Official Leave. [edit] B "B.A.D." * by W.A.S.P. on W.A.S.P. - stands trick daddy pimp letras presumably here for "bad" [11] "B.B.K." by KoЯn on Follow the Leader - stands here for a "Big Black Kock", trick daddy pimp letras which the songwriter says is what he calls a cocktail of Jack Daniels & Coke [12][13] "B.D.F." by GWAR - stands for Baby Dick Fuck. "B.F.W." by TISM - stands for Big Fucking Whoop. "B.I.B.L.E." by the GZA on Liquid Swords - Stands for "Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth" "'B.I.T.C.H" by Jamelia on Thank You - Stands for Beautiful, intelligent, talented, cool honey "B.L.U.R.E.M.I." by Blur on 13 - stands presumably for Blur and their label EMI "B.O.B." by OutKast on Stankonia - stands here for "Bombs Over Baghdad" [14] "B.S.L." by Die Ärzte on Planet Punk - stands for "brutal schneller Lärm" ("brutally fast noise") "B.Y.O.B." by System of a Down - stands here for "Bring Your Own Bombs" (referring to Bring Your Own Bottle/Beverage/Booze restaurants) [edit] C "C.B.B."