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Advertise ©2003-2006 MySpace.com. All Rights Reserved. VS Now the context of this story may be the same written out, but it must certainly lose much of it's intrigue in this format. However as this is the only way that is very plausible to communicate it translation from one source to another you'll simply have to settle for reading what happened on that day as a sort of short story or what not. So get you self a warm mug of cocoa or what not and translation get all snuggled in for what hopefully will be translation an account of a horrible day for me that will bring some amusement now in it's rendering for you. 7th grade. There was an assembly held for everyone in school. We were waiting to have a guest speaker. Mr. Mother Fucking T. Now I must say none of us were really too excited about Mr. T talking to us (after all what the fuck did he ever really do that was note worthy?). However it did get us out of classes so it was a festive gathering none the less. Now that mother fucker was over a half an hour late when he finally arrived.