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This mother should be quizing jailed for life. But neither should one hold onto it beyond all reason merely to use later as barter for a ring and a promise of happily ever after. Women who use their precious virginity as a bargaining chip are whores of the worst kind. Posted quizing by: kac90b at September 27, 2005 09:28 AM Hum. Wonkette wouldn't have readers if she didn't sex it up for the horny men. I guess that's why a 21-year-old female like me loves her. Because, you quizing know, she makes it OK for feminists like me to have sex. That's right. Oh, and her last name, that too is soooo on target. Thanks, Cox. Posted by: Lisa at September 27, 2005 09:31 AM Come to think of it ... if a mom's gonna punt on the idea that her daughter's gonna wait for marriage (which may be preferable but extremely unlikely) ... why is this not a good idea? Less chance of violence, trauma, disease, feelings of inadequacy ...