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"But the backdrops peel and the sets give way and the language translator cast gets eaten by the play. There's a murderer at the matinee and dead men in the aisles." jimmycracker.~Covert AgentPosts: 97 #15 Mar 13, 06 - 5:33 PM In Reply To #14 Lolz, I'm about 5"2 right now, and I'm 18. You could *say* I'm related to them, but they're much much taller. Oh, and I don't care a bit. [added Mar 13 2006 5:36PM] Oh wait, that Mugsy fellow is just an inch language translator taller. /* Network Footer */ language translator #footerNetwork * { font:10px verdana,sans-serif!important; color:#FFF; } #footerNetwork a { color:00CC00; text-decoration:none; } #footerNetwork a:hover { color:#FFF; text-decoration:none; } #footerNetwork { width:700px; padding-bottom:10px; margin-right:auto; margin-left:auto; } .footerLogo { display:block; width:110px; height:65px; background:url("")