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Comment Posted By Alexander(r-GA) On 13.02.2006 @ david banner lyrics 08:12Is Anything NOT An Opportunity to Bash Bush?As for you carter, you best not come within 1000 yards of me,I despise you and your entire existence. Get out of my country, go suck on chavez's balls and take in the ass from Abinesplodeydiapermessjihad you unpatriotic barrel of shit. david banner lyrics :mad: Comment Posted By Alexander(r-GA) On 08.02.2006 @ 08:07Everything now has been politicized, it's absolutely pathetic, a funeral is the last place to get your stupid two cents in, especially one of a "revolutionary" public figure that david banner lyrics you "respect" as you (Lowery,Jimmyasshat) claim to. Jimmy asshat carter didn't give a shit about breaking down racial boundaries, he just wanted as many votes as possible, fucking hypocrite. Keep drinking your :koolaid: you silly black people, you support a party of :poop: and :cuckoo:. Even Shitlarry clinon kept her fuckin trap shut(a pleasant change) why must you get your ...."and