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Please do not read it or listen to it if you cannot handle it. I do not consider the content here guitar to be adult content, since the raps here are either written by or patterned after the writings of high school students. If you're younger than that, then don't surf here without your parents' permission. 'K? Search this site: 30 days of Raps about Principal Mark Cerutti is a free service provided by Lance Brown, guitar Candidate for President in 2008. (Why am I doing this?)You can visit Lance's campaign site and guitar weblog here. Recent Entries Day 16: Zero Tolerance, Pt. 4 Day 15: Chaff v. Wheat Bloggers speak out about Sashwat's Suspension Day 14: Zero Tolerance, Pt. 3 Day 13: History Repeats Itself (Unless It Doesn't) Day 12: Cerutti Un-Freestyle Day 11: Cerutti Freestyle Thanksgiving Break Day 10: Rap Criminal Zero Patience for Zero Tolerance Day 9: Suspension TONIGHT: Board of Education Meeting Day 8: The Lesson Download Sashwat's Banned Rap Album Day 7: Zero Tolerance, Pt.