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My Brilliant Brother mentioned that post to me and said: "You know, Charmaine, that woman didn't exactly pimp out cheech and chong elmo pimp song letras her daughter." It's putting a fine point on it, but he's right. There is another layer of this story that I passed over. What the mother actually said was that it was time for her daughter to "have sex and get it over with." That's a statement worth pausing over. While we are all justly horrified at this woman's terrible lack cheech and chong elmo pimp song letras of normal, human maternal protectiveness, this mother came by her attitude naturally just by breathing the noxious cheech and chong elmo pimp song letras fumes of our modern MTV sex culture. How many degrees of separation are there, really, from this mother who charged into criminal neglect, and the mothers who communicate the same "get it over with" attitude to their daughters more subtly, but perform a similar role as enabler with their permissiveness?