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So you have you even had that moment when you've realised just how fucking pimp you are? Also when I slept with my first girlfriend, I was intimidated because she was a total slut, but things went really well. snoop I was later talking to one of her friends, and they said it was only supposed to be a one snoop night stand but the sex was so awesome she ended up snoop sticking around for the rest of the week. GO ME. o carp, BanT 4 postin goatse lol mine forum (spam kicks it there) BeerishBADGAHPosts: 223 #2 Mar 11, 06 - 12:11 PM In Reply To #1 Good question. Probably when I managed to get a whole binliner full of trick 'n' treaty goodness. And I'm no Mr. Charisma.I'M IN THE PIZZA CLUB: POLLO PIZZA BABY YEAH! Back with another one of those block rockin' beats. Super MonkeyLow-level OperativePosts: 33 #3 Mar 11, 06 - 12:14 PM In Reply To #1 That happneed to me once to, Gettting everyone on the floor laughing, It wasnt at a pub though, It was at school, I wound up getting a detention, Because it was about the teacher, But, It was totally