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Blurbs About profanity me: USED, THE lyrics ^^thank you two, Steve and Maggy, so much for the night of January 22nd 2006. Everything will work itself out and we always have us, our friends, and most importantly God on our side. PS -Maggy I love you for finding that passage I reached back like a pimp and slapped the ho!'s Friends Comments Displaying 50 of 253 profanity comments (View/Edit All Comments) Lil' Pagie 3/20/2006 12:25 PM profanity chello mr vp Morgan 3/16/2006 5:24 PM o thanks jerk! lol luv ya 2 King Charlie 3/14/2006 9:21 PM Happy BDAY! Love, PMC Tanto Goldstein 3/14/2006 5:34 PM happy bday bro...i just called to tell u and see if u wanted to hang out but im sure ur fucking sum bitches!!! word up homes!! Keep your hands to yourself, Kylie♥ 3/14/2006 1:58 PM JARED! i love love love you, you make my day =] Christine 3/14/2006 1:57 PM HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!