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Somehow while setting up the shots for this Campus wound up locked in the trunk with all the rats. Were those shots of Julien casually driving around with a pleasant smile on his face while someone is screaming inside the trunk shot while Campus was locked up in sexy mature granny the trunk? sexy mature granny That's what happens when you're a white guy and you make a movie in Oakland, motherfucker! You can bet Campus was really on the alert when they shot the scene where a guy was tied up with a stick of sexy mature granny dynamite stuck in his mouth. "Uh . . . I'll be back here with the tape recorder guy. Yeah, the sound is really important in this scene. Yeah. Do we have a hundred foot cable? Good." But everybody's favorite scene in this movie is when Goldie and Slim are playing Craps with a Pimp named Pretty Tony (Played by the great Dick Williams) and an unbelievably beautiful hooker named China Doll interrupts to announce that she is dumping Tony to work for Goldie.