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Later Max Factor brought out a colour called Strawberry Meringue which was a pastel pearly pink. rogaine for women They really caught on in the sixties as young girls were frowned upon if they rogaine for women wore brazen red lips, so the softened pink and peach colours were acceptable rogaine for women initially to parents, but then became a trend. Magazines taught step by step how to use recently introduced lip brushes and young girls began to blend and mix their own lip colours often having first blotted the lips out with Max Factor Pancake make up. Nail polish followed a similar trend with pastel pearl colours being the rage. Eyes were a main focus and once the film Cleopatra was released showing Elizabeth Taylor with very emphasised eyes everyone learnt to apply eyeliner and socket lines. The models Jean Shrimpton and Twiggy (Leslie Hornby) along with the actress Julie Christie all with their lined eye sockets captured the look that said Sixties Chick with chic. Cosmetics by Mary Quant Quant brought out a range of great and affordable cosmetics in up to the minute formulations with innovative cheek contour shaders and highlighters.