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That's something I would absolutely not have believed if you'd told me it 14 years ago. And he won't let anyone else touch his hair (which strikes me as funny, somehow) or our son's. Times change. Posted by: extensions reader_iam | February 04, 2006 at 09:21 PM extensions Post a comment If you have a TypeKey or TypePad account, please Sign In You are currently signed in as (nobody). Sign Out Name: Email Address: URL: Remember personal info? Comments: About Subscribe to this blog's feed Recent Posts Is Blogging . . . Over? Howl + Kaddish In One An Open Letter extensions to God . . . Barbarism! End of the Rainbow Sopranos "How'd They Do That?" Question Writing for Money The Ambiva-Circumcision Rant The Oklahoma Monologues Patriarchy, Population, and Power: It's the Numbers, Stupid. The Feldenkrais Method® Better than Therapy: A Life-changing Opportunity Introduction to The Feldenkrais Method Feldenkrais Training Programs Find a Feldenkrais Practitioner "Feldies" -- and George Washington -- on Torture The AmbivAbortion Rant Part I Part II Part III (in progress) Spiritual Nomads What's a spiritual nomad?