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Sometimes I wonder too, about getting older and seemingly more klutzy. I still have side effects of vertigo that I older sexy got a year ago. They seem to come and go. I'm not dizzy, just off balance, to which my friends reply, "Well, you've always been a bit off balance." In the early stages of recovery when I was using a walking stick, and people would ask me how I older sexy was doing, I'd say, "I walk less like a drunk everyday!" Certain environments trigger the symptoms, and one of them is rooms with really high ceilings. older sexy Today in church when I went up for communion I really had to concentrate on walking straight, and hoping I wouldn't do anything dumb like take a misstep. I did okay, but it was a challenge. Nobody wants to walk like a drunk in church! ;-}Also the church bulletin had a great suggestion for a new year's commitment. I've read it before, but I think I'll post it on the frig to be a daily reminder.