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Set one half to move down; set the rest to move up. Once rollers have cooled, lightly backcomb the area, smooth the surface and comb the ends for control. 10. Get Regular Trims Because the best way to avoid the bad hair day is a great cut, regular trims are essential. In fact, most women who have bad hair days go for much longer than 4 to 6 weeks between trims. Even if you want to grow your hair milf cruiser movies longer, milf cruiser movies keep it neatly trimmed. If hair is grown out so much it has little shape left, use gel to smooth it or flip up ends if they are long enough. If your hair has none of the shape of the original cut, that's when you find yourself resorting to ponytails, hats and paper bags. About Victoria Wurdinger Victoria Wurdinger is an award-winning writer and researcher who specializes in business and beauty. She has written for dozens of magazines, including Longevity, Drug Store News, Beauty Digest, Drug & Cosmetic Industry, Modern Salon, Art Business News, British Hairdressers Journal, Celebrity Hairstyles, Color &
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