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[Gelf] e cards • "Michael Brown, who recently resigned ... [Read More] Tracked on September 26, 2005 08:57 PM » Porn liberals single-handedly devaluing the exchange rate on your teenage daughters! from Pandagon I had a friend once whose dad gave her an Alpha Romero as her college car. The thing was fucking sweet. But she was kind of careless with it, bless her heart--she smoked in it, which made the leather interior... [Read More] e cards Tracked on September 26, e cards 2005 09:34 PM » Remainders: I Apologize for All the Teenage Sex from Wonkette • Producer "bilks" investors in a "reality" television show about the DHS. That's Karen Hughes' job. [DHS] • Killer dolphin alarmist also an expert on crop circles, the sinking of the Gaul. [Gelf] • "Michael Brown, who recently resigned ... [Read More] Tracked on September 26, 2005 10:28 PM » Thoughts on the roles of adults and children from Darleen's Place Charmaine at Reasoned Audacity caught a lot of grief for her post commenting on “the raunch culture.”