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ill prolly see you rap lyrics around during spring break..but till then ...OH BEHAVE! rap lyrics mina ANGEL 1/10/2006 8:27 PM I HAVE BEEN UP TO NOTHING I GUESS... ANGEL 1/6/2006 10:37 PM HEY YOU!!! WHAT ARE YOU UP TO?? bowser 1/6/2006 12:52 PM wow 221 friends.... thats like 200 plus 21. Michael 1/1/2006 9:09 PM sry i 4 got to wish rap lyrics u a merry xmas and a happy new years but i 4 got...sry dude...how r u? Omega 12/25/2005 3:16 PM ok that sounds great. I love meditation, without meditation i would be in hell. mEditation is a period in which i can let my mind calm down. Meditation helps a great deal. month month of daily meditation will make you feel absolutely wonderful, you will next to never get bored, people will enjoy your presance more, your face will get clearer, and your focus with quadroople.merry xmas. I want that buckle, and my sword. and in the future a 360 to reanburse diannes and mines sacrifice that we sent you for xmas which was that money..no jk..but for reals a 360 will be hella tight.