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We might take argot that to mean "until she's emotionally ready," but few of the Amanda-defenders here chosen that interpretation. Why? Why the insistence on black/white thinking? As for the Wondette issue, I think I disagree with Charmaine there. I *do* think there is utility in making some sites "adult." I watch the Sopranos. I read Jeff Goldstein's blog. argot I don't think the word "adult" should simply be a synonym argot for "pornographic." And I'm against making the entire web "child-safe." I'm not a Wonkette fan, but I do think there's a place for adult jokes, adult content, and adult themes--not all of which, BTW, are going to be sexual or violent. But I don't want to live in a culture driven entirely by the needs of children. Surely there's a middle ground. Posted by: Attila Girl at September 27, 2005 06:50 PM JT Why do you not any of the other things I mentioned?