food, blockbuster, slang, jockohomo, david banner, snoop doggy dogg, hip hop translation, 50cent p.i.m.p. lyrics, wordssong lyrics 50 cent p.i.m.p get rich or die tryin', soopafl lyrics, soopafl represent dat g.c. letras, insult, comic, 8ball, clarkson, online art, chartz, album lyrics, tego calderon music song lyrics, mp3, wscr(feat. snoop dogg,
Neither of you cunt bitch mother fucking useless little whores could do it if a lil flip like a pimp letras gun was pointed at the back of your brainless heads and you were being forced to. Posted by: JonnyCash at February 1, 2006 11:26 PM well what can i say, first we need to lil flip like a pimp letras face facts. 50 cent is a international sensation and is recognised everywhere in the world, go to the jungles in south america and you will find the tribes with a 50 cent t shirt, lil flip like a pimp letras thats all good but lets talk about talent and quailty of product. 5O CENTS videos are trashy and cheap and the quailty of music production is lacking in talent, its just bedroom beats over more bedroom beats on a loop, sorry but its crap and is what you call fake music.